The drive South took us through yet more incredible landscapes. Just leaving Kaikoura we saw more work being done by the wonderfully brave road workers, hanging themselves off cliff faces with rather ropey looking harnesses, awaiting helicopters to bring supplies. Even they are smiling and friendly: those on the road directing traffic do so with huge charm and grace, waving you along with a warmth you would neverrrrr see in Europe….
It was a 6 hour drive to our next stop, so we took a picnic and chose Gore Bay as our mid point. Once again- the heaving January summer masses were nowhere in sight on this total stunner of a beach, surrounded by yet more forest and cliff. I think we may be becoming slightly innured to this: deserted roads, windswept empty beaches, every spot a better place than before for a picnic, walk, read….
A swim and rest later, on the road once again but not before a stop to see the outstanding rock formations up the road known as Cathedral Lookout. A gorge whose name is more than self explanatory when you see that photo….!