The reality of home schooling on the road. As we are only away for three months, and the girls have time to catch up when home, I’m frankly not overly concerned about what they are missing (school teachers please pretend you never read that :)) because it goes without saying that all these incredible experiences, and being together as a family are worth so much more than sitting in a classroom.
Nevertheless, we are trying to ensure their brains don’t completely turn to jelly while away- and we both need to have time to work every day- so Alberto deals with maths, a subject I have conveniently forgotten, while I’ll do languages and Latin. The girls are writing their travel journals everyday, and learn from Alberto’s example as he sits down to draw every time we stop. Cala and Siena are writing small projects about Maori history, and reading their kindles like crazy, and Alegra, well, is being Alegra and making us giggle our way through every day, as well as doing a spot of maths. Once we move onto the Philippines and aren’t moving so much, it will be easier to get into a more settled routine, but for the moment, we are doing what we can!
Such an amazing learning experience! Thinking of you all as the adventure continues x